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Little  duke or baby duke in 1 gallon pot

Little duke or baby duke in 1 gallon pot

PriceFrom $28.00
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15% off min 75 USD & 3 items

JASMINUM SAMBAC "LITTLE DUKE" This is the Grandson of "Grand Duke of Tuscany" A smaller growing variety with somewhat smaller double rose-form flowers on a semi vining shrub. Prolific bloomer throughout warm weather. Likes full sun, hardy in zone 9-10. Likes moist but well drained. Very fragrant tea jasmine. Somewhat rare and seldom offered for sale.

A new exciting hybrid of Jasmine sambac Grand Duke Supreme, it combines benefits of large, triple flowers with a compact, bushy growth habit! What an amazing gift for every jasmine lover. Unlike regular Grand Duke that tends to be leggy, this variety branches out much more and stays short with minimal pruning. Leaves are similar to Grand Duke Supreme - elongated and come in swirls of 3's and 4's. It is a fast grower, reaching mature size in no time, but stays compact, and produces multiple flowers on every branch. Profuse bloomer, providing lots of sun, warmth, and moderate water.

A perfect houseplant with the strongest jasmine fragrance in the world.

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